Customer Training

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ELITMa - ELIXIR Training Program in Management (Module 1 & Module 2)

27.6.2023 10:00 +02:00 CEST - 29.6.2023 14:00 +02:00 CEST

Hotel Nuuksio

ELITMa is a ELIXIR training program in Management, developed for Node Coordinators by ELIXIR-CONVERGE WP6 and WP2 in collaboration.

ELITMa is directed to ELIXIR middle management people, namely, the already mentioned Node Coordinators, who could benefit from the complete program. In addition it is also designed for people involved in training, computing, data or bioinformatics services, who  are interested in selected modules, according to their needs and previous background.

Program summary M1 ELIXIR Governance and Organizational Behaviour

This module is an initial transversal short element on European Research Infrastructures (RIs) focusing on ELIXIR, from mission to operations, after which trainees should be able to navigate ELIXIR features and entwine these with national nodes.

Program summary M2 Data management strategy

This module aims to guide Node Coordinators and Node Data Managers (f.i. ELIXIR-CONVERGE WP1 member) in strengthening data management in their Node. Its focus are best practices from the ELIXIR portfolio of data management tools and services. After this module, trainees should be able to navigate the ELIXIR data management portfolio and plan for consolidation of the relevant tools and services in their Nodes, aimed at strengthening data management life science research for and by the Nodes’ data stewards and researchers. The module aims to inspire Node Coordinators and Node Data Managers, providing them with new ideas to optimise (if applicable: create) their Nodes' DM strategy in the context of the ELIXIR Programme.


You can find more information about the schedule and event arrangements here: link


ELIXIR funding covers the venue, lunches, social events and shared transportation to and from the venue. Hotel costs and transportation (flights/trains etc.) are to be provided by the attendees.



No registrations available anymore.

Event time

Starts:   27.6.2023 10:00 +02:00 CEST
Ends:   29.6.2023 14:00 +02:00 CEST

Event location

Hotel Nuuksio

Naruportintie 68
02860 Espoo

View larger map and directions
