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OSTrails workshop for maDMPs national data model

8.4.2024 14:00 +03:00 EEST - 8.4.2024 16:00 +03:00 EEST

FAIR has become a global norm for good research data management, promoting the reproducibility and reuse of research. The transparency and reliability of research is built on good practices. The Open Science Trails project produces the necessary methods, tools and services to promote the realisation of FAIR in practice. As part of the Open Science Trails project, we are carrying out a national pilot to promote the introduction of machine-readable data management plans. Machine-readable data management plans promote the further use and interoperability of data needed by researchers, research organisations and research funders.

The series of OSTrails FI pilot Spring 2024 workshops will focus on the needs and national gaps to be filled with the maDMPs. The first workshop will be held online on the 8th of April 14:00-16:00 and you are welcome to join and participate! Please register to the event from the link below.

Target of the workshop:
- Structure for maDMP Information model template
- Interlinked processes that benefit from maDMPs

Preliminary program of the workshop:
14:00 - 14:10 Opening - Johanna Laiho-Kauranne, CSC
14:10 - 14:30 Designing structural DMP with DMP Online for maDMP in Tampere University - Jari Friman
14:30 - 14:50 Development project for maDMP deployment in Oulu University - Anna Rohunen 
Break 10 minutes
15:00 - 15:45 Group work for defining the processes for national use cases of maDMP utilization
15:45 - 16:00 Final discussion and closing the workshop

Language: The workshop is held in English.
For more information: Johanna Laiho-Kauranne; forename.surname@csc.fi 

The workshop is free of charge. 

No registrations available anymore.

Event time

Starts:   8.4.2024 14:00 +03:00 EEST
Ends:   8.4.2024 16:00 +03:00 EEST
