Tapahtuman oletuskuva

Job search in Finland / Heta Aali (en)

6.4.2022 18:00


In this webinar we will discuss job search in Finland from many perspectives. How do I write an effective motivation letter and polish my CV? How do I contact potential employers? How do I find open positions and what does it take to make the employers see my potential?

The webinar is for you if

  • You are looking for a new job or considering new opportunities
  • Your professional and job seeking language is English

Click here to register for the webinar

Heta Aali is a career coach who combines theory and practice! Heta has a Ph.D. in Cultural History and in addition to working for UP Partners as a career coach she is a researcher at the University of Turku.



6.4.2022 18:00


6.4.2022 19:00

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