Momentum: Succeed in job interviews
20.10.2021 14:00
How to prepare for a job interview, what happens during the interview and after it?
A job interview can be seen in many ways: as a sign, that the interviewer is interested in you and wants to know more; as a possibility for both ways to see, if you are a match meant to be; as a place to further promote your motivation, persona and expertise; and in best case, as an equal discussion between people who are interested on the same themes. In all of the cases, it is important to prepare. Good preparation is the key.
On this webinar, we go through different types of job interviews, typical themes and questions in interviews as well as topics and advice about what to do before, during and after an interview.
Our guest presenter for this webinar is career expert Kirsi Pajamäki, Arffman Finland.
This webinar is organized by Momentum, which is run by PSOTTY ry, the support organization for independent employment of Northern Finland. The goal of Momentum is to improve employment and networking amongst the highly educated in Northern Finland.