Momentum: Linkedin profile - Step by step

21.10.2021 14:00


Is your Linkedin ready for job searching?

Linkedin profile ABC, the best and most practical tips for building a Linkedin presence to attract employers and finding the relevant job opportunities from Linkedin's various types of job postings. We'll cover all relevant aspects in highlighting your expertise as well as getting to the next level of Linkedin job searching.

Our guest presenter for this webinar is social media expert Tom Laine, HC Services.


Click here to register.

This webinar is organized by Momentum, which is run by PSOTTY ry, the support organization for independent employment of Northern Finland. The goal of Momentum is to improve employment and networking amongst the highly educated in Northern Finland. 

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Starts:   21.10.2021 14:00
Ends:   21.10.2021 15:00

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