How do you navigate turbulent waters and maintain resilience even when the context is in turmoil?

22.11.2023 09:00

Microsoft online


22nd November 2023 at 9 o’clock
Microsoft Teams
The event is free of charge but needs registration at latest on 20th November 2023. 

In today's ever evolving and unpredictable world, the ability to thrive in complex and volatile environments is essential. Resilience isn't just a buzzword – it's a way of life for successful organizations. 

Join us for a webinar that will discuss the fundamental impact of strategy work and the paramount role of operations in enhancing and maintaining resilience when operating in highly volatile and demanding contexts.  The webinar will present the “Three Layers” approach to resilience and answer critical questions such as: 
Why do resilience and strategy work have a specific role in complex environments?
What are the key elements for developing an effective strategy that meets the needs of a volatile context?

What are the practical implications of resilient operations and what are the main challenges of working in turbulent terrains?

How do the operational activities support the Three Layers approach and improve the resilience of the company at a corporate level?  

During the webinar, participants will gain insights into the paramount functions of strategy and operations when working in unpredictable and intricate environments. Participants will receive practical examples of how to improve and sustain resilience even in the face of uncertainties with a Three Layers -approach to resilience.  

09.00 – 09.05
Opening remarks
Anne Hatanpää, Africa Business Network

09.05 – 09.20
Strategy work in volatile contexts and “Three Layers” approach
Why do resilience and strategic work have a specific meaning and value when operating in complex and volatile contexts?
What are the most important elements to pay attention to when developing a strategy?
How to create a “Three Layers” approach to enhance and maintain resilience?
Pia Horttanainen, Croxford, Managing Director, Co-Founder and Senior Expert, Myelin LLC

09.20 – 09.35
Operational resilience
What are the most significant factors that have an impact when operating in challenging and complex environments?
What are the key elements contributing to resilient operations?
How do operations contribute to the “Three Layers” approach and improve organizational resilience?
Matthew Croxford, Chief Operations Officer, Co-Founder, Myelin LLC

09.35 – 09.45
Presentation by Finnpartnership

09.45 – 09.55

09.55 – 10.00
Closing remarks


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Event time


22.11.2023 09:00


22.11.2023 10:00

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Microsoft online