DORA Unleashed: Navigating the 2nd Batch of RTS/ITS

We are pleased to invite you to an inspirational information sharing event about the second batch of policy mandates under the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA). The webcast under the title “DORA Unleashed: Navigating the 2nd Batch of RTS/ITS” will be hosted by our European working group on DORA.

You will learn about the latest market trends related to the implementation of the DORA requirements and gain a practical approach to the second batch of policies regarding major ICT-related incident reporting, digital operational resilience testing, ICT third-party risk management and oversight over critical ICT third-party providers.


Date: Friday 26th January 2024

Time: 10-11:30 am (CET) (11-12.30 EET)

Location: The meeting will take place with MS Teams

Event has ended.


1. Intro & Current DORA Status

2. DORA RTS/ITS Batch 1 – Updates

3. DORA RTS/ITS Batch 2 – General Overview

4. Deep Dive – RTS Batch 2

5. Q&A


KPMG DORA EMA Working Group Vaike Metzger (DORA EMA Lead)