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Research data management and data documentation in long-term research projects

8.2.2024 10:00 +02:00 EET - 8.2.2024 12:00 +02:00 EET

CSC and University of Tampere are organizing a virtual event about practical research data management and data documentation in long term research projects. We will hear at least two researchers talking about their experiences, methods and ways of working.

Practical data management and data documentation plays a key role in long term research projects. The availability and comprehensibility of documentation must be ensured throughout the long process. It is vital that the data is understandable both for e.g. new researchers in the project and for the potential data reusers. In this session, we will hear how data has been described over the years, what has been agreed on practical data management issues, whether methods have changed over time and what difficulties researchers have encountered in their data management.

Preliminary programme:

10:00-10:10 Welcome and introduction by Chair Katja Kokko (The Jyväskylä Longitudinal Study of Personality and Social Development), Research director, PhD, University of Jyväskylä

10:10-10:55 Vitality 90 +, Linda Enroth, Principal investigator, PhD, Senior Research Fellow

10:55-11:40 Finnish Twin Cohort StudyJaakko Kaprio, MD, PhD, Research Director, FIMM, University of Helsinki 

11:40-12:00 Discussion


Language: The event is held in English.


Audience: Everyone interested are welcome to join! The event is aimed for researchers and data support personnel.

More information: paivi.rauste [at] csc.fi / siiri.fuchs [at] csc.fi

Event has ended.

Event time

Starts:   8.2.2024 10:00 +02:00 EET
Ends:   8.2.2024 12:00 +02:00 EET