Due to the Corona virus (Covid-19) causing travel restrictions and a 1.5m distance rule we have made the decision to postpone the excursion, and are planning to have it in May 2021 pending on competing events and the relaxation of travelling.
Most of the visits will take place in the western part of the Netherlands. The program will, with some alterations, remain the same as the projects are ongoing for several years. We will advertise the exact dates and program revision as soon as possible.
The maximum number of participants is 20 for practical reasons.
The excursion is in cooperation with RIL, SGY and RGY as well as with the Dutch sister organisations.
See the full program and details.
For more information contact:
Arend Oudman: arend.oudman@hel.fi, tel. 040 187 8496 or
Paul Gerrits: paul.gerrits@ramboll.fi, tel. 040 485 9364
RILin Pohja-, maa- ja kalliorakentamisen tekniikkaryhmä järjestää yhteistyössä SGY:n ja RGY:n kanssa geoteknisen ekskursion Alankomaihin toukokuussa 2021
Alustava ohjelma / Tentative program
Day 1
8:10 departure Helsinki to Amsterdam by Finnair
9:55 arrival Amsterdam
10:30 – 11:00 transport airport to City of Amsterdam, Geotechnical department
~11:00 Visit Geotechnical Department of the City of Amsterdam
- presentation followed by a walk along the failing quay walls and maintenance of bridge support in the inner city.
13:30 -14:30 lunch
14:30 – 15:00 transportation to IJburg
15:00 – 17:00 visit to IJburg landreclamation, North East of the City centre, - Several aspects of geotechnical preparations for building site of houses. Quay building, dam building, sand replenishment, compaction methods,
17:00 – transportation to hotel
Day 2
8:00 – 8:50 travelling Hotel – TU Delft
Morning TU Delft–TU Delft, Faculty of Geoscience and Engineering, Steinweg 1, 2628 CN Delft, Room 1.95
9:00 to 9:20 Welcome coffee & tea
9:20 Welcome talks by Ingeokring chair and TU Delft geo-eng section head
9:30 1 talk by Finnish geotech engineer (30 min, including questions)
Topic to be chosen:
- Modelling ground freezing (?)
- Aging infrastructures (?)
- Recycling dredged materia (?)
- Adaptation to sea level raise/ climate changes (?)
- Soft soil engineering (?)
- ….
10:00 2 talks by Dutch geotech engineers (2 x 20 min)
- Ronald Brinkgreve or Tuan Buy (Plaxis) Numerical modelling of coupled processes in geothermal projects
- Ahmed Elkadi- Gentle driving of piles- Field experiments
10:40 Pause / networking
11: 15 Lab visits (45 min) : Liquefaction tank + Centrifuge testing + Rock lab
12:00 Lunch
Afternoon at Deltares
13:20 Welcome talks by Deltares representative (to be decided)
13:30 1 talk by Finnish geotech engineer (30 min, including questions)
- Modelling ground freezing (?)
- Aging infrastructures (?)
- Recycling dredged material
- Adaptation to sea level raise/ climate changes
- Soft soil engineering
- …..
14:00 2 talks by Dutch geotech engineers (2 x 30 min)
- Erik van der Putte (SWECO) XXL project on soft soil
- Marco Bolognin (Deltares/TU Delft) and Guido Remmerswaal (TU Delft) Slope stability (dike and dredged submarine slopes), large scale experiments and Material Point Modelling
15:00 Pause / networking
15:30 Lab visits (45 min): large scale sampling for peat, large centrifuge testing,… to be decided with Deltares
16: 15 final drinks
17:30 – 18:30 travelling Delft – dinner
Day 3
9:00 – 11:30 Visit Harbour of Rotterdam, Maasvlakte
- 2 options: (pending on if construction has been started)
- 1) Construction quay wall for the major container ships with a draught of 24 m.
- 2) Construction site of large arch bridges with span width over 150 m over a tunnel section and a canal.
11:30 – 12:30 Travelling to Maasvlakte – Zoeterwoude
12:30 – 13:45 lunch La Place, Groene Hartplein 1, Zoeterwoude
13:45 – 14:00 travelling lunch location -
14:00 – 16:00 Visit tunnel project Rijnland route
- An about 4km roadway, including a 2.2km tunnel segment using a tunneling machine, project southwest of the City of Leiden, interconnecting between motorway A4 and A44.
16:00 – 16:45 travelling Leiden - Schiphol
18:50 departure Finnair Amsterdam - Helsinki
22:10 Arrival Helsinki Airport
MATKAN HINTA / Price of the excursion
1 hengen huoneessa / 1 person room 695€
2 hengen huoneessa / 2 persons room 560€
Lennot + hotelli maksetaan matkatoimistolle. Travel agency will charge the flights and accommodation.
Osallistujat maksavat matkan muista kuluista 250 € (bussikuljetukset, illallinen ym.) RILin tilille: Nordea IBAN: FI80 1019 3000 1193 55.
Participants must pay 250 € for other travel expenses (bus, dinner etc,) to RIL. Nordea IBAN: FI80 1019 3000 1193 55.
Maksun viestiksi / Message of the payment: Geotekninen ekskursio