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EOSC in Finland and in the European context: latest developments & future opportunities webinar

25.1.2021 12:30 +02:00 EET - 25.1.2021 15:30 +02:00 EET


The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is one of the new partnerships supported by the European Commission and the Member States. It aims to realise a “web of fair data” and provides a virtual environment with access to various services supporting open science and the management of the research data lifecycle, from sharing to processing and preserving data.

With the recent establishment of the EOSC Association and the upcoming signature of the EOSC European Partnership Memorandum of Understanding, EOSC moves to the next phase.

It is therefore of paramount importance for the Finnish stakeholders to closely follow the EOSC future developments to understand and influence the research priorities in the area, to bring the Finnish expertise in the European context, and to bring back into the country the most suitable opportunities and services coming out from EOSC to foster innovation and boost the societal impact of Finnish high-quality research.

Organised by the recently established EOSC Finnish Forum, the webinar aims at providing an overview of the current state of the art of EOSC at the European and national level and at discussing future opportunities. The webinar will also be the occasion to present the EOSC Finnish Forum concept and plans for 2021.

If you are interested, please register here


Agenda (Times are in CET)

11:30 – 11:40  Welcome – OKM/Academy of Finland
11:40 – 12:00 EOSC Achievements & future steps, Karel Luyben, European Association of Universities of Technology (CESAER) & EOSC Association
12:00 – 12:15 The EOSC Finnish Forum – Sara Garavelli, CSC – IT Center for Science
12:15 – 12:30 The EOSC FF & the National Open Science Coordination - Henriikka Mustajoki, Federation of Finnish Learned Societies, TSV
12:30 – 12:50 Coffee Break
12:50 – 14:10 EOSC Working Groups (2018-2020) main results & impact on Finland - WG representatives

  • Sustainability  - Henriikka Mustajoki, Federation of Finnish Learned Societies
  • TSV Landscape - Susanna Nykyri, Tampere University Library
  • Rules of Participation - Pirjo-Leena Försström, CSC – IT Center for Science
  • Architecture - Ville Tenhunen, University of Helsinki
  • FAIR - Juuso Marttila, University of Jyväskylä
  • Training & Skills - Anne Sunikka, Aalto University

14:10 – 14:25 How to join the EOSC Finnish Forum & next plans – Anu Märkälä, CSC – IT Center for Science
14:25 – 14:30 Closing remarks


Event time

Starts:   25.1.2021 12:30 +02:00 EET
Ends:   25.1.2021 15:30 +02:00 EET

Event location
