10.10.2019 09:00

Häme Castle

MATERIALITY AND OBJECTS: Multi-disciplinary Approaches to Archaeological Material and Contexts

The 16th Finnish-Russian Symposium focuses on the analyses of archaeological material in multi-disciplinary question framing and methodology. The symposium takes place in the Häme Castle, Hämeenlinna, and is open to scholars, students and anyone interested in the subject. Organizers of the symposium are The Finnish Heritage Agency, The Finnish Antiquarian Society, City of Hämeenlinna and Finlyandsko-rossijskaya rabochaya gruppa po sotrudnichestvu v oblasti arheologii. Working language of the symposium is English (with exception of 1-2 oral presentations in Russian or Finnish).


The symposium covers all fresh archaeological and multi-disciplinary approaches. All periods of prehistory and early history are equally welcome. The contextualization of finds is understood in a broad meaning: subsistence and everyday life in prehistory and early history, ideologies and worldviews in ancient and more recent times, occasional events of the past like crises and disasters.


THURSDAY, 10th October

9.00 Info desk open

9.30 Opening of the Symposium

Juhani Kostet, General Director, The Finnish Heritage Agency, Helsinki

A. Lapshin, Director, Institute for the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IHMC RAN), St. Petersburg


Kerkko Nordqvist, University of Helsinki: Artefacts on the Move. Movement, Mobility and Stone Age Archaeology of North-East Europe

Evgeniia Tkach, IHMC RANStone Age Settlements in the Pskov Region: A Review of Old Materials and New Field-work

Kristiina Mannermaa & Riitta Rainio, University of Helsinki: A Needle Case, a Sound Instrument or Something Else? A Worked and Ornamented Swan (Cygnus sp.) Ulna from a Late Mesolithic Male Burial (Yuzhniy Oleniy Ostrov, North-West Russia)

12.00 Lunch in the Castle


Teemu Mökkönen, Finnish Heritage Agency & Kerkko Nordqvist, University of Helsinki:  The Use of Mineral Raw Materials in Neolithic Northern Ostrobothnia, Finland

Andrey Gorodilov, IHMC RAN: Excavations of Burial Cairns near the Village of Bolshoy Bor on the Northern Coast of the Gulf of Finland

Elisabeth Holmqvist-Sipilä & Anna Wessman, University of Helsinki: Lead-Isotope and Geochemical Analyses of Copper-Based Metal Artefacts from the Iron Age Water Burial in Levänluhta, Western Finland

14.45 Coffee break


Vladimir Lapshin, IHMC RAN: Old Ladoga: New Finds and Publications

Natalia Grigorieva, IHMC RAN: Some Results of a Multi-Disciplinary Approach to the Study of the Staraya Ladoga Archaeological Sites

Hanna-Leena Puolakka, University of Oulu: Coins, Knives and Other Finds – Grave Goods in the Transition Period between the Late Iron Age and the Early Medieval Period in Northern Fennoscandia

Olli Eranti, University of Helsinki: Macroscopic Analysis of Lithic Grave Finds from Yuzhniy Oleniy Ostrov

17.30 End of the first working day

18.30 Reception by the City of Hämeenlinna, Venue: Raatihuone (Address: Raatihuoneenkatu 15)

FRIDAY, 11th October


Volker Heyd, University of Helsinki: Migrants, terrestrial diet and intensive networking: A different look at the Corded Ware in Finland, the Baltic Countries, and beyond

Alexander Vybornov, Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education & Marianna Kulkova, Herzen State Pedagogical University & Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography: A Chronological Framework for the Development of Finno-Ugric Cultures of the Neo-lithic and Eneolithic of the Northern Kama Region

Eugen Kolpakov, Anton Murashkin, Aleftina Kiseleva & Vladimir Shumkin, IHMC RAN: The Oldest Gressbakken-House Site on the Kola Peninsula

12.00 Lunch in the Castle


Anton Murashkin & Anna Malutina, IHMC RAN: Evidence of Metal Use from Bronze Age sites on the Kola Peninsula

Eugen Kolpakov, Anton Murashkin & Vladimir Shumkin, IHMC RAN: Archaeological Research in the South-Western Part of the Kola Peninsula in 2017–2019: Initial Results

Mika Lavento, University of Helsinki: The Long-Period Dwelling Site of Multavieru at Lake Höytiäinen in Northern Karelia

14.45 Coffee break


Maria Razzak, IHMC RAN: Archaeological Survey of Islands in the Gulf of Finland in 2019

Alexander Saksa, IHMC RAN (Presentation in Finnish and Russian): Kuinka löysimme keskiajan viipurilaiset: arkeologiset kaivaukset 1998–2012 (Развитие Выборга в XV–XVII вв. по материалам археологических раско-пок 1998–2012 гг.)

Oula Seitsonen, University of Oulu: Geoarchaeological Approaches to the Taskscapes of Early Reindeer Herders in Northern Sápmi

Petro Pesonen & Ulla Moilanen, University of Turku & Jarkko Saipio, University of Helsinki: From Primitive Axe to Petersen X – A Typological Artefact Database from Finland

17.30 End of the second working day

19.00 Banquette / Evening with Friends, Venue: Hämeenlinnan VPK-talo  (Address: Palokunnankatu 18)

SATURDAY, 12th October


8.00 Meeting place: Sokos Hotel Hämeenlinna

Guided visit to the medieval Holy Cross Church in Hattula, the ancient hillfort of Rapola in Valkeakoski, archaeological sites in Janakkala parish and the Mesolithic site of Brunaberget in Vantaa.

16.00 Arrival at Helsinki (Central Railway Station)


Participation fees

The scientific programme: Häme Castle on Thursday 10th and Friday 11th October, 40 . Student discount 20 . The fees include lunch and coffee (2 days). In addition there is free entry to all exhibitions in Häme Castle.

Banquette: Hämeenlinna on Friday evening 11th October, 30 . Salad buffet and drinks included.

Bus excursion: Hämeenlinna region on Saturday 12th October, 20 . Lunch not included.

Warm welcome!

Facebook event.

Website of the symposium. You find abstracts there.

The registration closed 1st October (2019).

Registration for this event has now been closed.

Event time

Starts:   10.10.2019 09:00
Ends:   11.10.2019 18:00

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Event location

Häme Castle

Kustaa III:n katu 6
13100 Hämeenlinna

View larger map and directions


The Finnish Heritage Agency & The Finnish Antiquarian Society & City of Hämeenlinna & Finlyandsko-rossijskaya rabochaya gruppa po sotrudnichestvu v oblasti arheologii

email: misuhone[at]