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ONLINE: Scientific Visualization and Data Analysis with VTK and ParaView

11.1.2022 09:00 +02:00 EET - 13.1.2022 17:00 +02:00 EET


Tuesday, 11.01 2022

Part 1: Introduction (course background, goals, and overview)
Part 2: The Visualization Toolkit (VTK) fundamentals: data model, execution model, and the rendering engine
Part 3: VTK Python scripting

Wednesday, 12.01 2022

Part 4: Overview of the ParaView architecture: client, server, proxies
Part 5: The ParaView Client: visualization pipeline, data filtering, views, and representations, data queries, and selection)

Thursday, 13.01 2022

Part 6: Extending ParaView (programmable filters, VTK Python
scripting, ParaView plugins)
Part 7: Wrapping Up (summary, open forum, perspectives)

Event is sold out.

Event time

Starts:   11.1.2022 09:00 +02:00 EET
Ends:   13.1.2022 17:00 +02:00 EET


Content: philippe.pebay@ng-analytics.com

Practicalities: patc@csc.fi