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EOSC in the Nordics & Baltics: regional events in Tallinn

4.10.2022 09:00 +03:00 EEST - 5.10.2022 17:00 +03:00 EEST

Nordic Hotel Forum

In Capella hall

09:00-09:05 Welcome by the workshop chairs: Abdulrahman Azab, EOSC-Nordic Sensitive data group lead, UiO, Norway & Lene Krøl Andersen, EOSC-Nordic Project Manager, Computerome, Denmark

Cross-Border Health Data Challenges
09:05-09:25 “A doctor’s cross-border health data challenges in today's hospital” by Doctor Henning Bundgaard, Rigshospitalet, DK

09:25-09-45 “The European Data Health Space” by Truls Korsgaard, Directorate of e-Health, Norway & Professor, Doctor Christian Fynbo Christiansen, RegionMidt, Denmark

The Nordic Arena for Sensitive Data & Infrastructure Collaboration
09:45-10:00 “Intergovernmental Collaboration in the Nordics” by Senior Advisor Cecilia Leveaux, NCM, Digital

10:00-10:20 “The Nordic Commons” by Director Sirpa Soini, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare

10:20-10:40 “The Nordic eInfrastructure Collaboration” by Director Gudmund Høst, NeIC

Compliance in practice
10:40 - 11:00 “Turning GDPR to your advantage” by Head of Data Science Christine Overgaard Rasmussen, Computerome; The Danish National Life Science Supercomputing Centre

11:00-11:30 Networking Coffee (jointly with the EOSC Tripartite delegates)

11:30 - 11:45 “Cross-border health research with Privacy Enhancing Technologies after Schrems II” by Triin Siil, Privacy Engineering Consultant
Cybernetica AS

11:45-12:00 Estonian e-services for health, social security and labour - by Artur Novek, TEHIK

Nordic-Baltic Sensitive Data Infrastructure Service Providers: How to get ready for cross-border sensitive data sharing?
12:00-12:15 ETAIS (Estonia) by Priit Kleemann, IT Development Manager, Estonian Biobank

12:15-12:30 TSD (Norway) by Leon Charl du Toit, Section Manager, Research Support Services, USIT, University of Oslo

12:30-12:45 Delphi (Denmark) by Hossein Aghili, Head of Development, Danish National Life Science Supercomputing Center

12:45-13:00 SNIC Bianca (Sweden) by Linus Nilsson, Technical system administrator, UPPMAX, Uppsala University

13:00 - 14:15 Networking Lunch (jointly with the EOSC Tripartite delegates)

The Nordic-Baltic Sensitive data cross-border development activities
14:15-14:30 “NeIC Heilsa: The Roadmap to Sensitive Data Archiving & Federated EGA” by Stefan Negru, CSC-IT Centre for Science

14:30-14:45 “The Nordic Pandemic Research Infrastructure Project” by Wolmar Nyberg Åkerström, NeIC PaRI Project Manager, Bioinformatician, NBIS - National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden

14:45-15:00 “Sensitive data processing challenges for EuroHPC LUMI” by Jarno Laitinen, CSC-IT Centre for Science & Abdulrahman Azab, LUMI User Support Team (LUST)

15:00-15:15 EOSC-Nordic collaborative efforts to achieve federated access to sensitive data e-Infrastructure” by Abdulrahman Azab, NeIC & Eirik Haatveit, Department for Research Support Services, USIT, University of Oslo

15:15-15:30 Q&A

Strengthening the Nordic Sensitive Data & Infrastructure Community
15:30-16:30 “The Nordic-Baltic Forum for sensitive data as a NeIC community activity” by Abdulrahman Azab, NeIC & Lene Krøl Andersen, Computerome & Maria Francesca Iozzi, Sigma2 AS

•The Forum as a collaboration, coordination, and competence-building activity
•Preparation for the upcoming EC Calls on sensitive data infrastructure
•Joint discussion and next steps

19:00-23:00: Social Dinner (Proto Invention Factory, Peetri 10, Tallinn).

No registrations available anymore.

Event time

Starts:   4.10.2022 09:00 +03:00 EEST
Ends:   5.10.2022 17:00 +03:00 EEST

Event location

Nordic Hotel Forum

Viru väljak 3

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