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EOSC in the Nordics & Baltics: regional events in Tallinn

4.10.2022 09:00 +03:00 EEST - 5.10.2022 17:00 +03:00 EEST

Nordic Hotel Forum

In Sirius Hall

Opening Session

9:00-9:10 Welcome by EOSC-Nordic Coordinator, Gudmund  Høst, NeiC Director

9:10-9:30 The EOSC Tripartite Collaboration, Michael Arentoft, Head of Unit A.4 Open Science, European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation
9:30-9:45 EOSC as a web of FAIR data and services, Karel Luyben, EOSC Association President

9:45-10:00 EOSC-Nordic impact, EOSC-Nordic Project Manager, Lene Krøl Andersen, International Liaison, Technical University of Denmark (DTU)

10:00-10:15 Coffee break

The added value of regional collaborations and how this can support EOSC

10:15-10:30 Intergovernmental Collaboration in the Nordics, Senior Advisor Cecilia Leveaux and Signe van Zundert, Nordic Council of Ministers, Digital

10:30-10:45 The Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration, Gudmund Høst, NeIC Director

10:45-11:00 NORDUnet: the Nordic Gateway for Research and Education, Lars Fischer, Strategy & Policy Officer

11:00-11:45 EOSC Engagement across stakeholders - panel debate moderated by Ute Gunsenheimer, EOSC Association Secretary General

Gudmund Høst, EOSC-Nordic Coordinator, NeIC Director

Hans Eide, Special Advisor, Sigma2, Norway

Ivar Koppel, Head of HPC centre, University of Tartu / Estonian Scientific Computing Infrastructure (ETAIS)

Gitte Kudsk, Director of DeiC, Denmark

Vigdis Namtvedt Kvalheim, Director, Norwegian Centre for Research Data (NSD)

11:45-12:45 Lunch

12:45-13:00 Window to EOSC-Nordic - supporting the uptake of EOSC in the Nordic and Baltic countries, Minna Lappalainen, CSC and Anne Sofie Fink, DeiC

EOSC-Nordic for data repositories

13:00-13:15 FAIR maturity of Nordic and Baltic research data repositories,  Mari Kleemola, Tampere University/FSD

13:15-13:25 Successful support for TDR certification and FAIRification, Tuomas J. Alaterä, Tampere University/FSD

13:25-13:35 Case study on FAIRification and certification: QsarDB - Sulev Sild, Institute of Chemistry, University of Tartu

13:35-13:45 Outcomes of FAIR incentives study and expected impact, Josefine Nordling, CSC

13:45-14:00 Case study: M4M for climate community, Hamish Struthers, Linköbing University, Sweden

14:00-14:30 Coffee break

EOSC for Nordic-Baltic Researchers and Service Providers

14:30-14:45 Interoperability and maturity - customer perspective, Ilja Livenson, UT/ETAIS

14:45-15:00 Motivation and mandate - getting service providers on board the EOSC Portal, Emma-Lisa Hansson, SNIC

15:00-15:15 Cross-border resource allocations - challenges and opportunities, Tomasz Malkiewicz

15:15-15:30 Cross-border HPC: EuroHPC LUMI as a model for EOSC, Ilja Livenson, UT/ETAIS

15:30-15:45 Cross-border data analysis Abdulrahman Azab, UiO

15:45-16:00 Cross-border Archeology, Jens-Bjørn Andresen, Aarhus University, Denmark

16:00-16:15 CLOSING REMARKS: THE END OR A NEW BEGINNING, Sara Garavelli, CSC-IT Center for Science & EOSC Association Board of Directors

No registrations available anymore.

Event time

Starts:   4.10.2022 09:00 +03:00 EEST
Ends:   5.10.2022 17:00 +03:00 EEST

Event location

Nordic Hotel Forum

Viru väljak 3

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