Catch the Carbon side events in COP28

1.12.2023 13:00


Carbon sponge City
Why cities can help solve our climate problems

Finland Pavilion, Blue Zone, Zone B6, building 74
Friday, December 1st 13:00–14:00 (UTC+4)

Faced with the urgency of reducing the carbon footprint of the building sector, constructing with more wood will not only require beyond incremental change, systematic cross-sectoral thinking, and innovation, but also legislative and financial incentives. Use this unique opportunity to discuss and network with experts and make the city carbon sponge idea a reality.

Event is organized by UNECE/FAO in cooperation with the Ministry of Environment and and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland.

Program and speakers

13.00–13.15 Opening

  • Mr. Juhani Damski, Permanent Secretary, Finnish Ministry of the Environment
  • Ms. Liliana Annovazzi-Jakab, Chief, UNECE/FAO Forestry and Timber Section

13.15–13.45 Panel discussion

  • Moderator: Mr. Teppo Säkkinen, Policy Adviser on climate, energy and industries, Finland Chamber of Commerce
  • Mr. Pavel Bartov, General Manager of Archea DMCC, ARCHEA, Dubai office
    “Impact of low carbon construction requirements on the work of an architectural office”
  • Ms. Annette Stube, Executive Vice President, Sustainability, Stora Enso
    “Much to celebrate and much yet to do to advance wood buildings in Europe and throughout the world.”
  • Mr. Kamal Farah, Director, Engineering Contracting Co. LLC
    “Innovative upcycling of palm waste into a truly carbon negative construction material – Desertboard: structural panels from palms.” (title tbc.)

13.45–14.00 Closing of the panel & Informal networking opportunity

Link to live stream and full program of the Finland Pavilion

Event time

Starts:   1.12.2023 13:00
Ends:   11.12.2023 20:00

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